Northern California Council of Camera Clubs

Northern California Council Of Camera Clubs Northern California Council Of Camera Clubs

You are invited to become a member in a local camera club near you to take your photography to the next level.

First Place, Best in Division and Best of Show Winners from the N4C 2024 July Competition

In response to the on-going Covid-19 virus, N4C Board meetings will be hybrid as clubs are gradually returning to print competitions.

The Northern California Council of Camera Clubs (N4C) is the umbrella organization for sixteen San Francisco Bay Area camera clubs, whose members comprise photography enthusiasts—beginners, amateurs and professionals.

N4C provides an opportunity to grow photographically and compete at an interclub level. Most individual member clubs hold their own local monthly judged competitions in two photographic mediums, Prints and Projected Images, and in various subject matter.

Join in the fun with N4C and their local camera clubs. Participate in field trips, seminars, and workshops, share learning experiences and camaraderie among fellow photographers in your area!

To see all winning photos submitted for the month and for additional information, please visit the N4C’s PhotoClubServices Website.

'Vanishing Icon' (PM 0 Place) by Robert Adler - RO
'A Blue Grosbeak photographed in a local park in South Bay. It loves to feed on beetles and grasshoppers. They are short-distanc
'A Memorial Service for Rev. Williams.[1] Joan Baez sings at the service for Rev. Cecil Williams at Glide Memorial Church May 12
'A Memorial Service for Rev. Williams.[2] Mayor Willie Brown greets current San Francisco Mayor London Breed, after each gave eu
'A Memorial Service for Rev. Williams.[3] Rhonda wipes away tears as she recounts how Rev. Williams helped her in a time of need
'A Memorial Service for Rev. Williams.[4] Chairs and a monitor were set up for an overflow of people paying their respects. A gr
'American Dipper [1] Americas Swiming Songbird with White Eyelids' (NA 0 Place) by Steve Rentmeesters - LVCC
'American Dipper [2] Dippers Nest Near Fast Running Water Like This Waterfall' (NA   Place) by Steve Rentmeesters - LVCC
'American Dipper [3] Dippers Feed On Insects Caught Underwater' (NA   Place) by Steve Rentmeesters - LVCC
'American Dipper [4] Four Chicks Need Constant Feeding' (NA   Place) by Steve Rentmeesters - LVCC
'An adult lilac-breasted roller, Coracias caudatus, displaying its colors, while catching a meal from riverside in Zuzuland, Sou
'Bald Eagles competing for the same fish near Homer Alaska. Homer Bald Eagles often follow another Bald Eagle as it is about to
'Bristlecone' (CA 1 Place) by Lenny Rush - AL
'Civil War Reenactment Battle at Knight's Ferry_ The Rebel's canon fires, The Rebels fire as the Union army reloads, The Rebels
'Embattled Male Northern Elephant Seal looms behind adult female cow and her pup, San Simion, CA (Mirounga angustirostris)' (NA
'Fields of Gold' (PB 1 Place) by Pamela Lloyd - MR
'Fire Dragon' (CI 0 Place) by Susan Wong - CC
'Golden Hour, Bandon Beach' (PA 1 Place) by William Stekelberg - LVCC
'human form in motion' (CB 1 Place) by DJ Leland - MR
'It doesn't get any better than this! Ever devours a sprinkled donut.' (AB 1 Place) by Bruce William Burtch - MR
'Jalon' (PM 0 Place) by Jan Lightfoot -
'Lonely Island in the Mist, Isle of Skye, Scotlend' (MA 0 Place) by Gordon Haddow - PE
'Male giraffes fighting for dominance, Kenya [1] Swinging its head to strike the other's head' (NM 0 Place) by Shinnan Kiang - L
'Male giraffes fighting for dominance, Kenya [2] Swinging its head to hit the other's abdomen.' (NM   Place) by Shinnan Kiang -
'Male giraffes fighting for dominance, Kenya [3] Swinging its head to hit the other's leg.' (NM   Place) by Shinnan Kiang - LVCC
'Michelle (a study of light and shadow)' (MI 1 Place) by Steve Kessler - PE
'Nervous alien visitor' (CM 1 Place) by Anita Rama - CC
'Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial [1] April 19, 1995, at 9_02am a bomb exploded collapsing the Federal Bldg. Twin Gates mark the e
'Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial [2] 9_03 is when healing began. 600 survived. The infinity pool was 5th Street. Water gently flo
'Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial [3]168 empty chairs are for those who died; each chair located where the person was found on eac
'Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial [4] Eula Leigh Mitchell, was a Sunday School Teacher on the first floor waiting for her husband.
'Over two stories up, fire fighter trainees learn to use a ladder truck at the San Jose Fire Department Training Center, Senter
'Rare sighting of an African Serval (Leptailurus serval) at a Kenyan watering hole. Known for its spotted coat & large ears—
'Rays of Flight at Parque La Huasteca' (PI 1 Place) by Steve Berkley - MR
'Russian River Rodeo[1]The Russian River Rodeo, June 22-23, was an enthusiastically attended local event. Each day's program beg
'Russian River Rodeo[2]In the Steer Wrestling event the _bulldogger_ aims to wrestle the bull to the ground using only his stren
'Russian River Rodeo[3]Tie-Down Roping involves the cowboy successfully roping a calf. His horse stops and holding the _pigging
'Russian River Rodeo[4]Now his job is throw the calf to the ground, called _flanking_, and tie three legs together. This event i
'Summer fantasy.' (PI 1 Place) by Peggy Fleming - CC
'The Umbrella Maker, Japan' (MM 1 Place) by Dorothy Weaver - MR
'Time quietly passes' (MB 1 Place) by Pamela Lloyd - MR
'Totem Pole in Monument Valley at sunrise' (PA 1 Place) by Bill Lapworth - PE
'Western Grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis) Family Dynamics [4] The Western Grebe is listed as a Species of Conservation Concern
'Western Grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis) Family Dynamics [1] Gift giving is part of their courtship before bonding for one bre
'Western Grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis) Family Dynamics [2] One clutch can have 1-6 chicks. Both parents share responsibilite
'Western Grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis) Family Dynamics [3]. 2-4 week old chicks can swim, but are still fed by their parents
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